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 Les Bonbons

It's about hunger, it's a tease, it's a plea.... It's a warning !

 Save Jobs at BMC

Sign the petition to save jobs at Birmingham Met College

 Top 10 Things To

Going off to university this September? Not sure what to take with you?

 Greg Rucka Signin

Greg Rucka, popular comic writer does a signing at Forbidden Planet Bristol.

 Love Is Good

The news we all wanted to hear


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Features - Terry Gilliam - Signing

Gilliam came to the attention of the British public as a member of the legendary Monty Python team where he was actor, writer and also animator providing the animated interludes between sketches. He also co-directed Month Python and the Holy Grail and The Meaning of life with fellow Python Terry Jones.

Gilliam is now a screenwriter and director with an impressive catalogue of films to his credit including; 12 Monkeys, Brothers Grimm, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Lost in La Mancha, The Fisher King, Time Bandits and what many consider to be his seminal work Brazil.

His most recent film Tideland, for which he was both screenwriter and director tells the story of Jewliza-Rose a young fantasist who talks to squirrels and dolls' heads, moves out of the city with her father after the death of her junkie mother.

He will be signing at the Forbidden Planet London Megastore. The largest store of its kind in the world, this store continues the Forbidden Planet tradition of hosting appearances by the greatest names in science fiction and fantasy. Previous guests have Christopher Lee, Andy Serkis, Iain Banks, Douglas Adams, Anne McCaffrey, Clive Barker, Stephen King, William Gibson and H. R. Giger.


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